Edinburgh Nationalism Blog welcomes the submission of short Op-Ed pieces (500-700 words) exploring the implications of COVID-19 for nationalism, nation-states and identities.
While it is clear that COVID-19 did not create nationalism or enable its comeback, for it was never gone, amid the pandemic, nationalism has gained heighted scholarly, media and public salience and is surging worldwide.
What does Covid-19 mean for nationalism as an ideology and underpinning political principle, and the nation-state as the pre-eminent institution in modernity? (How) does Covid-19 differ from other crises in terms of its potential to (re)shape nationalism? Has the Covid-19 crisis and the closing of borders exacerbated ethnic and national forms of exclusion? What does it mean for particular countries embroiled in conflict or in running electoral battles? What are its implications for right-wing, nativist, protectionist actors and forms of nationalism? What are its implications for national identity, belonging and solidarity? Can nationalism be a force for good in the struggle against Covid-19? Will coronavirus be the turning point for globalisation?
We welcome submissions from scholars, researchers and students of nationalism from any discipline, country or region.
Please submit your contribution to edinburgh@asen.ac.uk